World Religions Sunday School

World Religions Teaser


Why should a Christian be familiar with the major religions of the world?  After all, we have the truth and all other religions represent man-made forms of rebellion against God.  Why, then, should we take the time to study them?    Regions of the world that were at one time almost exclusively broadly Christian in their religious profession are becoming increasingly pluralistic.  This is true of Europe as well as the United States.  Large numbers of immigrants from Asia and the Middle East are streaming into Western countries, bringing with them Hinduism, Buddhism, and especially Islam.  In order to function in this rapidly-changing world, Christians must be prepared to relate to ideas and practices that are very different from what they are used to.  How do you begin to carry on a conversation with your Indian co-worker or the African-American Muslim who lives down the street?  Understanding something of their beliefs is a good place to start.

Knowledge of world religions can also have an evangelistic function.  People who know only the faith in which they have been raised are often curious about what others believe, especially if they have recently moved into a new country with practices with which they are unfamiliar.  This can open the door for the presentation of the Gospel, and that presentation can be more effective if you know something about what the other person believes, can ask intelligent questions, understand what they are saying about themselves, and particularly if you clearly comprehend the differences between Christianity and what the other person believes and does.

Finally, knowledge of world religions can have apologetic value.  The secular worldview that has increasingly come to dominate the previously-Christian Western world tends to lump all religions together, seeing no difference between “fundamentalists” of any stripe, whether Bible-believing Christians or Islamic terrorists. The more Christians know about other religions, the more they will be able to draw clear distinctions for those in the secular world who see all religions as essentially the same and readily dismiss them all with little serious consideration.  For all of these reasons, I hope that you will join us in this important study.

This class is taught by Pastor Bob Walton and will meet every Sunday from April 17th-July 10th at 9:45am in the Main Sanctuary.