Spiritual Warfare Sunday School


Each year hundreds of people die and thousands are sickened by carbon monoxide poisoning.  Carbon monoxide is known as the “silent killer” because it is odorless, colorless and invisible, making it impossible to detect and leaving its unsuspecting victims unaware of its presence until symptoms of poisoning set in.  And while protection from this invisible threat is inexpensive, widely available and easy to install, there are many who don’t take advantage and leave themselves and their families vulnerable to this “invisible killer”.

The Christian is engaged in a lifelong war against invisible spiritual forces of evil and cosmic powers that seek to wound, kill and destroy. Satan and his demons are the Christian’s invisible killers.  The apostle Paul said we are not ignorant of Satan’s tactics against us.  How about you?  Are you aware of the present invisible battle of which you are a part and the enemy’s schemes against you and yours?   Are you also aware of the protection and weapons God has given to you to use in this battle and how to use them?  Unfortunately many of us, as one writer put it, “wander blind and deaf along the firing line”.

It is vitally important that the believer live with an awareness of this battle and fight daily using the protection and weapons which God has abundantly provided.  As we become more familiar with the tactics of the evil one we will be greatly encouraged by the victory of Christ and find hope knowing that our great adversary is bound and defeated by the true Ruler over all.  Engaging in spiritual warfare against an invisible killer is rooted in a greater focus upon Christ our Redeemer who exercises ultimate authority and power for the deliverance, protection and preservation of His people for His glory and our good.

Join us for this study every Sunday Morning at 9:45am in the Fellowship Hall.  This adult Sunday School course begins on January 10, 2016 and will be led by Pastor Glenn Force.